Saturday, December 15, 2007

What is more important to you profit or good karma?

This is a question we all struggle with at times. Here are my thoughts. If you help one person free of charge without expecting anything in return you will get 5-10 times the help in return.

Thankfully there is still people who understand helping others less fortunate but who are motivated is one of the best feelings you can get in life. You can not buy that "buzz"

2008 is the year of the Non-Profit, it seems many companies are realizing the moral and positive benefits of assisting Non-Profits, just take a look at Squidoo, they receive Millions of unique vistirs a month, If you are a Non-Profit I highly suggest you signup for Squidoos NP program, every dollar counts and over time if you create multiple lenses you can bring in decent income every month for your NP.

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